Dal sito di FFME Comite Regional de Corse: "It is no easy task to create a guidebook. Each detail must be thought out; the result is in your hands, the brainchild of all our passion and careful attention. This guide lists almost all the sport crags of the island. It provides all the necessary information to climb in confidence: access, type of climbing, height of the routes, grades... To make it more precise we have generally drawn the routes on pictures. Thanks to the countless pictures of climbers the reader can dream while preparing for his next vertical adventures and have a good idea of each crag. It was in june 2006 that we received from our printer the copies of the first edition of this guide. Six years hence, already we are on the fourth edition. It has today 336 pages! The rhythm of a re-edition every second year is now established; this allows us sufficient time to upgrade the guide and keep it up to date."

Falaises de Corse (2012)
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