Dal sito di FFME Comite Regional de Corse: "Carried by the success of our sport climbing topo guide 'Falaises de Corse', and wanting to utilize our recently gained knowledge of computer graphics, we matured the idea to write a topo guide about multi pitch routes. Our ambition remained unchanged during this new enterprise which was to make you dream while preparing for your future vertical adventures. Thanks to the countless pictures, we aim to help you with your choice of climbing routes, to lead you without difficulty to their start and to guide you efficiently through the climbing itineraries. The selection covers the extent of Corsica’s main walls therefore allowing the traveling climber a pleasant range of climbing styles, atmospheres and rock, and giving the sedentary climber a chance to find a nearby route. We have climbed almost all the routes, sometimes several times and we made it a point of honor to be as precise as possible in describing the approaches and the trad climbing itineraries. However, errors can sometimes be identified, new interesting variants may have opened up and new routes proposed; find all of the new information on the update section of the website... How to conclude without thanking the climbers who, from George I. Finch to Sacré Tristan, have provided the raw material to build this guide. They created the itineraries big and small, whether equipped or in the traditional style and through all difficulties We hope this will allow everyone to find a route to their liking. Thanks to those route setters."
Grandes voies de Corse (2012)
Une selection de 80 grand voies sur tout la Corse